
Error Free Android Hello World Project on Eclipse

Removal of two common errors that may arise when running the android project on eclipse.
[ PANIC: Could not open: C:\Users\gTiwari\.android/avd/MyAndAVD.ini ]
[ invalid command-line parameter: Files ]

Today I tried to setup the essentials and test a demo project on Eclipse.I installed required tools (Android SDK, ADT, etc) and created a empty project successfully.

I was following these articles :
Installing Android SDK and ADT in eclipse.
Android First HelloWorld App in Eclipse.
But I  got the few errors when I tried run the Hello World project that eclipse created for me.

In this Blog, I am  describing the errors and how I solved them that may be useful for Android beginners like you.

[My System Details : Windows 7(64-bit). Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo).The MyFirstEmul is the name of emulator I created.]

Error #1
When i created a hello world project and tried to run it. I got the following error.
[2011-08-27 18:05:22 - Emulator] PANIC: Could not open: C:\Users\gTiwari\.android/avd/MyAndAVD.ini
Cause : 
The emulator could not found in location "C:\Users\gTiwari\". I searched over my HDD for the emulator I created earlier. And I found it in the  E:\ .android folder. This might be due to I had moved my system folders such as Documents, Desktop, Downloads to E:\.
Solution :
I simply moved the E:\.android folder to C:\Users\gTiwari\ and solved it.

Error #2
After I solved the Error #1, and tried to run the project, I got the following error :
[2011-08-27 18:24:39 - Emulator] invalid command-line parameter: Files.
[2011-08-27 18:24:39 - Emulator] Hint: use '@foo' to launch a virtual device named 'foo'.
[2011-08-27 18:24:39 - Emulator] please use -help for more information
Cause : 
The default installation location is: C:\Programme Files(x86)\Android\android-sdk.  But the  SDK location cannot contain any spaces.
Solution : 
Should I reinstall the Android SDK to new location with no space in folder names ?
Well, that may be a solution. But i found easy solution for this.
I make use of mklink command line utility of NTFS in Windows 7 (in previous versions of the command may be different). I pointed C:\AndroidSDK to the actual C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk by using following command.
     MKLINK  /J  C:\AndroidSDK "C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\"
This command created special junction folder C:\AndroidSDK helped me in  redirection.

And I configured this new path(C:\AndroidSDK) to AndroidSDK in Eclipse IDE settings - from
                      Windows -> Preferences -> Android
And run the Hello World project successfully.

See my other posts on  android from : 


  1. Good help but could you specify what is exactly "And i added this new path to AndroidSDK from Windows -> Preferences -> Android"
    I am having the same problem and I don't get what you are meaning here.

  2. Forget what I just asked. Didn't realized you were refering to Eclipse.
    Worked perfectly, thanks!

  3. It really saved my whole 1 day. Worked perfectly. Thank for this great article.

  4. Thanks for help man :) it worked for me

  5. You saved me hours of troubleshooting before I was even able to get started. Thank you so much! I would have never believed that the plugin is that stupid when creating the files. Anyway thanks Again!

    1. Yeah, the plugin is really stupid. This hasn't been solved in newer version as well.


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