
JavaCV Configuration in Windows

I had published a article on how to configure JavaCV on windows machine about 5 year back. Since then a lot of changes has been made to JavaCV:
  • The repository host Google Code stopped their services
  • JavaCV team moved to github with a different package name. They have replaced the "com.googlecode.javacv.cpp." package with "org.bytedeco.opencv." or "org.bytedeco.javacv"
  • They ( probably OpenCV too) moved some classes here and there.  eg:  the static method cvSaveImage is now under org.bytedeco.opencv.helper.opencv_imgcodecs.cvSaveImage package. It was on com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.opencv_highgui.cvSaveImage  before.
  • Finally the good thing is the installation/setup steps has been easier than before.  This is because they have wrapped all libraries files (dll, so ) into the platform specific jar files and we don't need to install and configure the OpenCV binaries separately

Setup Steps:

1) Install the JDK on your system. 

You can choose between 3 options:
  • OpenJDK or
  • Sun JDK or

2) Download the JavaCV binaries.

2.a) Manually:
2.b) Automatically - Using Maven (Recommended)

3) Project Setup:

3.a) Basic project using Eclipse/Netbeans,Intellij or other IDE
Extract the JavaCV binaries and add all the jars into your classpath.

3.b) Maven Project Setup:
If you want to use Maven you need to add the dependencies as in 2.b) in your pom.xml file. There is already a sample project available on GitHub. Download it and import into  your IDE. It has a sample code to capture images from webcam.

GitHub Sample Project URL:

Sample Code to Capture Images from WebCam:

Happy Coding ...

Solve - Hyper-v not compatible on VMware player

I had enabled hyper-visor when installing docker in my system. But it seems it needs to be disabled to allow VMware run smoothly.

The error that I got from VMware.
Hyper-V not compatible - VMWare Error




Here's how I solved it:

1) Run command prompt as Administrator
2) Run the following command to disable hyper visor launcher
  C:\>bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off

If you want to enable it back to run Docker, the following command will help.
  C:\>bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype auto