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Code snippets, technical articles, tips on computing and programming...
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Bubble sort working source code - C/C++
Bubble sort working source code - C/C++ #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream.h> void bubbleSort(int *array,int length)//Bubbl...
C C++ CODE : Shooting method for solving boundary value problem
Working C C++ Source code program for Shooting method for solving boundary value problem #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h...
C C++ CODE : Simpsons 1/3 rule for integration
Working C C++ Source code program for Simpsons 1/3 rule for integration /************** SIPMPSONS 1/3 RULE ***********************/ #inc...
C C++ CODE : Trapezoidal rule for integration
Working C C++ Source code program for Trapezoidal rule for integration /************* TRAPEZOID FULE FOR INTEGRATION *****************/ #i...
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C C++ CODE : Numerical integration for tabular data
Working C C++ Source code program for numerical integration - trapeziode and simpsons 1/3 method /************************ INTEGRATION FOR...
C C++ code : power method - numerical method to find eigen value and vector
Working C C++ Source code program for finding eigen value and eigen vector by power method /************* Eigen value and eigen vector by ...
C C++ CODE: Gauss Jordon elimination method to solving linear equations
Working C C++ Source code program for Gauss Jordon elimination method to solving linear equations /*************** Gauss Jordan method ***...
C C++ CODE : Gauss jordan method for finding inverse matrix
Working C C++ Source code program for Gauss jordan method for finding inverse matrix /*************** Gauss Jordan method for inverse matr...
C C++ CODE : LU Decomposition for solving linear equations
Working C C++ Source code program for LU Decomposition for solving linear equations /************** LU Decomposition for solving linear eq...
C C++ CODE : Gauss elimination for solving linear equations
Working C C++ Source code program for Gauss elimination for solving linear equations /************* Gauss elimination for solving linear e...
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