GT's Blog
Code snippets, technical articles, tips on computing and programming...
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Type in Nepali Unicode Romanized - Convert Roman Nepali to Unicode Tool
Spring Boot - shutdown and restart application programmatically
Today we will be discussing how to shutdown and restart a Spring application programmatically. 1) New Project First let's create a simpl...
Read Request parameter String from URL in Spring/HttpServlet
Read entire query string(request parameter) in Spring Boot/HttpServlet In Spring Boot and other Java web frameworks, we capture the request ...
GIT delete merged branches
How to delete merged branches from local copy: When you work on a project for a while, there is a good chance that you will have a list of o...
Java view,download,filter email using javax.mail
Java SDK doesn't come with inbuilt mail API but Java-EE (now called Jakarta EE) provides several utility library like json, servlet, web...
Java HttpClient tutorial with File Upload example
Java 11 comes with a nice HttpClient API/Implementation so that we no longer need to rely on external libraries like Apache HttpClient execu...
Thymeleaf re-usable pagination component- Spring MVC/Bootstrap
In this blog, we will discuss how we can create a reusable pagination component using Thymeleaf and Spring MVC/Data. Goal is to create a pag...
Thymeleaf pass parameter to fragment
Making reusable fragment/UI Components in Thymeleaf Thymeleaf supports creation of 'function like' mechanism and pass parameters to ...
Spring pageable - start index with one
By default Spring uses 0 indexed page meaning a page number of 0 in the request equals the first page. You can customize this to start from ...
Spring data Pagination - set max page size and other customizations
Background: HandlerMethodArgumentResolver is a strategy interface to resolve method parameters in context of given context. So, if you want ...
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