Read time from internet time server - working java code

Read time from internet time server - working java code
import java.util.*;

 * This program makes a socket connection to the atomic clock in Boulder,
 * Colorado, and prints the time that the server sends.
public class Time_Server_Socket_Test_Java {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            Socket s = new Socket("", 13);
            try {
                InputStream inStream = s.getInputStream();
                Scanner in = new Scanner(inStream);

                while (in.hasNextLine()) {
                    String line = in.nextLine();
            } finally {
        } catch (IOException e) {

iterate through map hashmap linkedhashmap in java

How to iterate through Map.. MashMap, LinkedHashMap ...  in Java
Method 1 : If you're only interested in the keys, you can iterate through the keySet() of the map:
Map map = ...;
for (String key : map.keySet()) {
    // ...

Method 2 :

java escape text in regular expression

Java's a built-in way to escape arbitrary text so that it can be included in a regular expression-
For example, users enter "$5", we can match that exactly rather than a "5" after the end of input.

Just do this : to escape text in regex

use of @override annotation in java - why ?

The @override annotation  is most useful as a compile-time reminder that the intention of the method is to override a parent method. See this example:

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
 * Override_Annotation_Usage_Example, from  Effective Java