Showing posts with label spring-mvc-framework. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spring-mvc-framework. Show all posts

Thymeleaf re-usable pagination component- Spring MVC/Bootstrap

In this blog, we will discuss how we can create a reusable pagination component using Thymeleaf and Spring MVC/Data.

Goal is to create a pagination UI similar to this:



Spring resolves the size and page parameter from URL : /users?size=20&page=1 to Pageable object at the Controller methods. We are returning Page<> instead of simple list. Page contains all the information that we need to create the pagination UI as above.
public String userHome(Model model, Pageable pageable) {
Page<Article> page= articleService.findAllByStatus(Status.PUBLISHED, pageable);
model.addAttribute("articles", page);
return "home-page";

public String userHome(Model model, Pageable pageable) {
Page<User> page= userRepo.findAllByStatus(Status.ACTIVE, pageable);
model.addAttribute("users", page);
return "user-list";


Pagination at home-page.html   

<th:block th:each="article : ${articles}">
<!-- display article in a table row or card/box -->

<!--pager at bottom -->
<th:block th:replace="_fragments/_utils :: pagination(${articles})">

Pagination at user-list.html

<th:block th:each="user : ${users}">
<!-- display user in a table row or card/box -->
<!--pager at bottom -->
<th:block th:replace="_fragments/_utils :: pagination(${users})">

Reusable Fragment Definition at _fragments/_utils.html

Note that the pages are 0 based meaning page=0 equals the first page of data. You can make it to 1 based using the steps described here: You might also need to update the indices below to to handle that.

<th:block th:fragment="pagination(pagedObject)">

<!-- works with<pagedObject>, -->

<div th:if="${pagedObject.getTotalPages() != 1}" class="form-group col-md-11 pagination-centered">
<ul class="pagination">
<!-- page number start with 0, totalPages returns actual number of pages -->
<li th:classappend="${pagedObject.getNumber() == 0} ? disabled" class="page-item">
<a class="page-link" th:href="@{''(size=${pagedObject.getSize()}, page=0)}">&laquo;</a>
<li th:classappend="${pagedObject.getNumber() == 0} ? disabled" class="page-item">
<a class="page-link"
th:href="@{''(size=${pagedObject.getSize()}, page=${pagedObject.getNumber() -1})}">&larr;</a>
<li th:classappend="${pagedObject.getNumber() == (page )} ? 'active pointer-disabled'"
th:each="page : ${#numbers.sequence(0, pagedObject.getTotalPages() -1)}" class="page-item">
<a class="page-link" th:href="@{''(size=${pagedObject.getSize()}, page=${page})}"
th:text="${page + 1}"></a>
<li th:classappend="${pagedObject.getNumber() + 1 == pagedObject.getTotalPages()} ? disabled"
<a class="page-link"
th:href="@{''(size=${pagedObject.getSize()}, page=${pagedObject.getNumber() + 1})}">&rarr;</a>
<li th:classappend="${pagedObject.getNumber() + 1 == pagedObject.getTotalPages()} ? disabled"
<a class="page-link"
th:href="@{''(size=${pagedObject.getSize()}, page=${pagedObject.getTotalPages()})}">&raquo;</a>

<p class="text-muted small">
Showing page <span th:text="${pagedObject.getNumber() +1}"></span> of <span
Total: <span th:text="${pagedObject.getTotalElements()}"></span>.


<div th:if="${pagedObject.getTotalElements() ==0}">
<div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">
<span>No items available.</span>



Spring pageable - start index with one

By default Spring uses 0 indexed page meaning a page number of 0 in the request equals the first page.

You can customize this to start from 1 in following by creating a bean of PageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolverCustomizer and setting the setOneIndexedParameters to true.

You can read  more about the method argument resolver and other customizations to pagable in my earlier blog post:

Configures whether to expose and assume 1-based page number indexes in the request parameters. When its true, a page number of 1 in the request will be considered the first page.

public PageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolverCustomizer paginationCustomizer() {
return pageableResolver -> {
pageableResolver.setOneIndexedParameters(true); //default is false, starts with 0

Now you can have your pagination url to start with page=1 eg: /users?size=20&page=1.

Spring data Pagination - set max page size and other customizations


HandlerMethodArgumentResolver is a strategy interface to resolve method parameters in context of given context. So, if you want to automatically resolve the parameter MyObject in the following method, you can create a bean of HandlerMethodArgumentResolver and implement logic to resolve the argument.

public Page<User> getUsers(MyObject object) {

Spring Framework already provides a lot of resolvers to handle various parameters such as AuthenticationPrincipal, CSRF, Session, Cookie, MVC Model, and of course Pageable.


Pageable Resolver:

Spring Data comes with PageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver to resolve pageable parameter from the request URL.

If you send a request /users?size=20&page=2, the Pageable object will be injected to the method parameter.

public Page<User> getUsers(Pageable pageable) {
return userRepository.findAllByStatus(Status.ACTIVE, pageable);

Customize PageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver

To customize the Pageable resolver, we need to create a bean of PageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolverCustomizer , which will be applied at SpringDataWebConfiguration#customizePageableResolver before the pageableResolver() is created SpringDataWebConfiguration#pageableResolver.

PageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolverCustomizer is a SAM (single method interface aka FunctionalInterface). 

Setting max page size

public PageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolverCustomizer paginationCustomizer() {
return pageableResolver -> {
pageableResolver.setMaxPageSize(20); //default is 2000
pageableResolver.setPageParameterName("pageNumber"); //default is page
pageableResolver.setSizeParameterName("elementsPerPage"); //default is size

Now the url should be /users?elementsPerPage=20&pageNumber=2 instead of /users?size=20&page=2.

If you pass elementsPerPage more than 20, it will be defaulted back to 20.

Which will be helpful to prevent potential attacks trying to issue an OutOfMemoryError.