Silence Removal and End Point Detection MATLAB Code

Visit for more detail about our project.
For the purpose of silence removal of captured sound, we used the algorithm specified in
"A New Silence Removal and Endpoint Detection Algorithm for Speech and Speaker Recognition Applications"
Our actual system was in JAVA but we verified the performance of this algorithm in MATLAB.

Inputs and Output
Before silence removal
After automatic silence removal
Here is the Matlab code : 
It first records sound for 5 seconds and removes the silence and then plays back.

Logic Design of Digital Clock, assignment on logic circuits

Logic Design of Digital Clock, assignment on logic circuits

Logic Design of Exhibition hall visitor density counter

Logic Design of Exhibition hall visitor density counter

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Logic Design of 8-Bit Arithmetic Microprocessor

BlueChess : Two Player Chess Game in J2ME, My minor project @ IOE

Here is the download link for BlueChess : Two Player Chess Game

XML parsing using SaxParser with complete code

SAX parser use callback function (org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler) to informs clients of the XML document structure. You should extend DefaultHandler and override few methods to achieve xml parsing.
The methods to override are
  • startDocument() and endDocument() – Method called at the start and end of an XML document. 
  • startElement() and endElement() – Method called at the start and end of a document element.  
  • characters() – Method called with the text contents in between the start and end tags of an XML document element.

The following example demonstrates the uses of DefaultHandler to parse and XML document. It performs mapping of xml to model class and generate list of objects.

Android hide soft keyboard code

Working code for hiding the soft keyboard in Android :


This can be used to suppress the keyboard until the user actually touched the edittext view.

Java-Open/Launching any file with its default handler with start utility in windows

Java-Open/Launching any file with its default handler with start utility in windows
String cmd = "cmd.exe /c start ";
String file = "c:\\version.txt";
Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd + file); 

Android Code: Latitude and Longitude of the mobiledevice

We should use the LocationManager.
LocationManager lm = (LocationManager)getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); Location location = lm.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER);
double longitude = location.getLongitude();
double latitude = location.getLatitude();
The call to getLastKnownLocation() doesn't block - which means it will return null if no position is currently available - so you probably want to have a look at passing a LocationListener to therequestLocationUpdates() method instead, which will give you asynchronous updates of your location.
private final LocationListener locationListener = new LocationListener() {
    public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {
        longitude = location.getLongitude();
        latitude = location.getLatitude();

lm.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS, 2000, 10, locationListener);
Required Permission :
You'll need to give your application the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission if you want to use GPS.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
You may also want to add the ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permission for when GPS isn't available and select your location provider with the getBestProvider() method.