Here is list of good references , that we followed for our final project. These are also included in reference section of final report. After we decided to do final project on joint speech and speaker recognition, we did a lot of research and downloaded almost 2 GB of articles, lecture notes and etc. But, these article(around 30 MB) were really useful to us. All of them are available on Web for free. Just google it.
Assignment 3: GMM Based Speaker
Identification EN2300 Speech Signal Processing, [!assignment_03.pdf]
Sanderson, Automatic Person Verification Using Speech and Face
Information- A Dissertation Presented to The School of
Microelectronic Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology,
Griffith University, August 2002, [revised February 2003].
A Reynolds and Richard C Rose, Robust text-independent speaker
identification using Gaussian mixture speaker models. IEEE Transactions
on Speech and Audio Processing, 3(1):72–83, 1995.
Saha, Sandipan Chakroborty, Suman Senapati, A New Silence Removal
and Endpoint Detection Algorithm for Speech and Speaker Recognition
Applications, Department of Electronics and Electrical Communication
Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Khragpur, Kharagpur, India.
P Campbell, Jr. Speaker recognition: A tutorial. Proc. IEEE,
85(9):1437–1462, 1997.
Aida–Zade, C. Ardil and S.S. Rustamov, Investigation of Combined use of
MFCC and LPC Features in Speech Recognition Systems, World Academy of
Science, Engineering and Technology, 2006
R. Rabiner, “A Tutorial on Hidden Markov Models and Selected Applications in
Speech Recognition”, vol-77, no. 2, pp. 257-286, 1989.
L Mølgaard, Kasper W Jørgensen, Speaker Recognition: Special Course;
IMM-DTU; 2005
Faouzi BenZeghibaa , Joint
Speech and Speaker Recognition,IDIAP
Research Report, 2005.
Teo Choon Guan @ Myo Thant, Majority Rule- Based Non-Intrusive User
Authentication by Speech: Part 2 (Speaker Verification), Thesis, School
of Science and Technology, Sim University,2009.
Chen and Yu-Ren Luo , Speaker Verification Using MFCC and Support Vector
Machine, Proceedings of the International Multi Conference of Engineers
and Computer Scientists 2009, vol – I, IMECS 2009.
Kinnunen , Spectral Features for Automatic Text-Independent Speaker
Recognition- Licentiate’s Thesis, University of Joensuu, Department of
Computer Science, Finland, 2003.
H. Abdulla and Nikola K. Kasabov, The Concepts of Hidden Markov Model in
Speech Recognition, Knowledge Engineering Lab, Department of
Information Science, University of Otago,New Zealand, 1999.