How to delete merged branches from local copy:
When you work on a project for a while, there is a good chance that you will have a list of old/already merged branches showing on your local git.
When you run $git branch it will show all the branches since you started working on the project including the ones that are not currently active.
$git branch PROJX-1024-add-new-button PROJX-1026-add-another-button PROJX-1027-titleupdates build-fix develop release master
Here's how you can find the merged branches: It will only list a branch if it exists in local but not in remote(deleted from remote after merging).
$git branch --merged PROJX-1024-add-new-button build-fix develop release
Here's how you delete the merged branches except develop and release
$git branch --merged | egrep -v "(^\*|develop|release)" | xargs git branch -d
You can add any number of branches to the skip list separated by pipe |
$git branch --merged | egrep -v "(^\*|develop|release|another_branch|yet_another_branch)" | xargs git branch -d