Showing posts with label Groovy Grails. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Groovy Grails. Show all posts

grails detecting environment - groovy & gsp code

Grails/Groovy working code snippet to detect the current environment (development, test, production, or your  custom). Custom environment are defined in config.groovy file.

Detecting Environment in GSP code :

Following checks if current environment is other than production.
    <g:if test="${env != "production"}">
        //your logic 


Detecting environment in Groovy Code ( in Controller, Service, etc..), using switch-case comparison

            case "development":
                //do your stuff 1
            case "test":
                //do your stuff 2
            case "production":
                //do your stuff 3
            case "my_environment":  // for custom environment : my_environment

Simple comparison in groovy

if(Environment.current.getName()=="development") {
    //do your stuff

Grails - auto login in spring security

Consider a typical web application where you have multiple user roles (like SUPER_ADMIN, OPERATOR, VISITOR etc ) and you need to do login and switch between them frequently. It certainly consumes a lot of time if you do this manually. One simple solution would be to use the browser's password remember feature. But this would not be useful if you need to switch between different role.

Here, I am going to do show how we can setup this mechanism in Grails applications which uses Spring Security plugin.

If you are using Spring Security plugin then, by default you will have following names for html textbox for username and password : j_username and j_password. and you have login request url as http://localhost:8080/YOUR_APP/j_spring_security_check .

The required login script :

Groovy Grails - Dynamic Method n Variable name and invoking them

Groovy allows to use dynamic method name and variable name and invoke/use them.

Dynamic Variable Names

Groovy allows to use variable name dynamically. To test this lets introduce a variable  "dogname" to Dog class

class Dog {
def dogname

//Testing dynamic variable name
        def aDog= new Dog()"Hachi"
def prop="dogname"

println aDog."$prop" // prints Hachi

Grails - beginners video tutorial

From the Grails site: "Grails aims to bring the 'coding by convention' paradigm to Groovy. It's an open-source web application framework that leverages the Groovy language and complements Java Web development. You can use Grails as a standalone development environment that hides all configuration details or integrate your Java business logic. Grails aims to make development as simple as possible and hence should appeal to a wide range of developers not just those from the Java community."

grails- add jar to lib folder - not working - solution

In grails application you can add jar dependencies by just pasting the .jar file to lib folder. If your code doesn't find the jar dependency at runtime then you can do following :

Run the following grail command (s):
  • clean
  • compile --refresh-dependencies 
In eclipse you can open the Grails Command Prompt by :
Right Click on project -> Grail Tools -> Open Grails Command Prompt

Hope this helps.