Web Scrapping in Java using JSoup

Example of Web Scrapping in Java using JSoup

In this blog I'm going to describe how we can use JSoup library to scrap content from a website. The websites uses a standard markup called HTML to display documents in a web browser. They contain XML like document structure composed of elements and attributes.

<rootElement> //element with tag rootElement

   <aTag width="10" height="20" color="RED"> //sub element aTag with attributes width, height etc

        <content>Hello</content>  //another nested sub element


    <summary> This is summary.</summary> //another element under root element


Although a HTML document starts with <HTML> and the content are kept under <BODY> element, the actual semantics of HTML is irrelevant to web Scrapping because HTML is really an XML document. All the web scrapping libraries deals with parsing the XML and reading the data out of the XML document.

Let's build a Quotes scrapping app!

In this example we are going to extract quotes from goodreads.com(https://www.goodreads.com/quotes. 

Step 1: Setup a skeleton Java Project with JSoup dependency

We are going to use Maven to add the JSoup dependency and build the project.

Step 1.a Generate Maven Project using maven archetype

mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=gt  -DartifactId=web-scrapper-java    -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart   -DinteractiveMode=false 

It generated the following files. Note that I deleted the AppTest.java under /src/test/java/gt/ because we won't be writing unit tests for this app.

├── pom.xml
├── src
│   └── main
│       └── java
│           └── gt
│               ├── App.java

Step 1.b Add JSoup dependency

I searched for jsoup dependency at https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.jsoup/jsoup and copied the following definition for the current version of jsoup and pasted inside <dependency> section

<version>1.13.1</version> <!-- use the new version -->

I also deleted junit dependency from pom.xml since we won't be writing unit tests.

Step 2: Basic Scrapping Examples

Let's play with JSoup API first. See the examples below. Here we are parsing XML content from string and extracting several pieces of the content using cssQuery. Please refer to https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_selectors.asp for more examples of css query.

import org.jsoup.Jsoup;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Element;
import org.jsoup.select.Elements;

import static java.lang.System.out;

public class Test {

public static void main(String[] args) {

String html = "<rootElement> " +
" <aTag width='10' height='20' color='RED' class='C1'> " +
" <content>Hello</content> " +
" </aTag>" +
" <aTag width='10' height='20' color='GREEN' class='C1'> " +
" <content class = 'small-font'>Hello Again small font</content> " +
" </aTag>" +
" <summary>" +
" <content class = 'small-font'> This is summary in small font </content>" +
" </summary> " +

Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);

//print all content element
it prints:
Hello Again small font
This is summary in small font
Elements els = doc.select("content");
for (Element e : els) {

//text inside content element under aTag
it prints:
Hello Again small font
for (Element e : doc.select("aTag > content")) {

//get all elements that have a color attribute and display the value of the attribute
int prints
for (Element e : doc.getElementsByAttribute("color")) {

//get all elements that have a attribute class = C1 attribute and display the value of the attribute
int prints
for (Element e : doc.select(".C1")) {

//read text inside a tag
it prints:
Hello Again small font
This is summary in small font
for (Element e : doc.select(".small-font")) {


Step 3: Scrapping goodreads.com

Step 3.a Examine the html content

The first step is to examine the structure of the document to see where our data is located. Here we want to read the quote, author and the tags.

After inspecting the structure of the HTML through the inspect tool on browser, we can notice that:

  • The <div class='quote'> is repeated for each Quote.
  • The text inside 'quoteText' class. 
  • Author name is inside authorOrTitle class under the quoteText class.
  • Tags are inside the 'quoteFooter' class