You can install a local jar by using mvn install:install-file command/goal as I
discussed in my earlier blog post. This ensures the re-usability of jar file across your projects but as a drawback, this requires every team member and build server to run the same command/goal to build their project.
To avoid to the manual hassle, you can add the .jar in pom.xml file without running the mvn install:install-file goal. The idea is to refer a .jar from your project base directory using the <systemPath> element.
In example below, I put my jar files to /myjars directory and point to the jar file as
<systemPath>${project.basedir}/myjars/[Jar file name]</systemPath>
Directory Structure
For web project (war files )
If you are working on a web project, the above configuration won't add the jars to war file by default. You need to do following.
Here we are asking maven-war-plugin to add all jar (
**/*.jar) from
${project.basedir}/myjars to
WEB-INF/lib folder when creating the war file.