Java delete a folder and subfolders recursively

Java source code for deleting a folder and subfolders recursively.
Code for copying and moving files is here.
Working source code example:
public final class FileIOUtility {
    private FileIOUtility() {}
    public static boolean deleteFile(File fileToDelete) {
        if (fileToDelete == null || !fileToDelete.exists()) {
            return true;
        } else {

Java - contro lkeyboard 'lock key' state programmatically

Java Controlling the lock keys : Caps Lock, Scroll Lock, Num Lock 's state - programmatically
public class Lock_Key_Control_In_Java {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();

        //enable disable key state Caps Lock, Scroll Lock, Num Lock keys
        tk.setLockingKeyState(KeyEvent.VK_NUM_LOCK, true);
        tk.setLockingKeyState(KeyEvent.VK_CAPS_LOCK, false);
        tk.setLockingKeyState(KeyEvent.VK_SCROLL_LOCK, false);
The lock keys LED in the keyboard should be  turned ON or OFF ?

Java: Loading images in JFrame - Reusable ImageFrame

Sometimes we need to show multiple images in separate window by using single line statement :
new ImageFrame(inImg, "Input Image ");// inImg is reference to Image object
The code below can be used to load images in JFrame as a separate window.

java copy file, move file code example

Java source code - copying a file , moving a file - working source code example :
Code for deleting a folder and sub folder recursively is here 
public final class FileIOUtility {
    private FileIOUtility() {}
    public static void moveFile(File src, File targetDirectory) throws IOException {
        if (!src.renameTo(new File(targetDirectory, src.getName()))) {
            String str = (new StringBuilder()).append("Failed to move ").append(src).append(" to ").append(targetDirectory).toString();
            throw new IOException(str);
        } else

Installing Android SDK, ADT in eclipse

How to Install Android SDK, ADT
Step 0: Read the Documentations - 
Start from Android's mother site @

Android: Introduction to android platform - framework

Brief Introduction

Android is an Operating System for mobile devices developed by Google, which is built upon Linux kernel. Android competes with Sambian OS,

Final Year Computer Project Suggestion, A HUGE LIST

Here is a list of project suggestion for final year project (BE computer).
I have collected them from various sites.

Screen capture Utility , Automatic Video Tutorial Maker
HTML Editor - text processing
Image Search engine using image clustering
Semantic WEB
PCI/USB FM RadiPlayer with Tunning, Volume Control, and capture feature
LAN Based Bit Torrent
Automatic Friend tagging on Facebook based on Face Recognition
Hostel Election Software
Collaborative Web Browsing
Web based Application for Multiple Clients
MAC Layer Scheduling in Ad-hoc Networks
Smart Mail Transfer Protocol
Windows Multi File Search utility
FTP Explorer
Harddisk data recovery tool
Consumer-oriented devices and services
Mobile TV and IPTV
Telemedicine portals
Gesture Recognition using ANN or HMM or ..
TCPIP Chat client server

Tutorial on Ibatis-Using Eclipse Ibator plugin to generate Persistence POJO Models, SqlMap and DAO :: with coverage of Dynamic SQL and working downloadable example

IBatis is a lightweight persistence framework that maps objects to SQL statements. The SQL is decoupled from the application logic by storing in XML descriptor file . SQL mapping is done by data mapper to persist objects to a relational database. 
In this article i am going to discuss on how to use ibator plugin in eclipse to generate Java model objects from your database, the DAO interface and its auto implementation to access your db and auto generated SQL map xml files. And also we will deal with fun of dynamic SQL.  The Link for downloading the working eclipse project is given at the end of article. For more detail about ibatis visit the references at last of this article.

Part A: Ibator/DB Configuration
Step 1. Installing IBator
Visit this link and download ibator plugin for eclipse

Or From Eclipse Update Site :
Step 2. Requirements and Project Configuration: 

EasyJFrame : Reusable JFrame class

Here, i am going to describe a reusable jFrame class, which can be used as substitute of standard console output.

Resuable JFrame CODE:

Java-Opening a URL in default browser with start utility in windows

Java-Opening a URL in default browser with start utility in windows
String cmd = "cmd.exe /c start ";
String file = "";
Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd + file);