I have collected them from various sites.
Screen capture Utility , Automatic Video Tutorial Maker
HTML Editor - text processing
Image Search engine using image clustering
Semantic WEB
PCI/USB FM RadiPlayer with Tunning, Volume Control, and capture feature
LAN Based Bit Torrent
Automatic Friend tagging on Facebook based on Face Recognition
Hostel Election Software
Collaborative Web Browsing
Web based Application for Multiple Clients
MAC Layer Scheduling in Ad-hoc Networks
Smart Mail Transfer Protocol
Windows Multi File Search utility
FTP Explorer
Harddisk data recovery tool
Consumer-oriented devices and services
Mobile TV and IPTV
Telemedicine portals
Gesture Recognition using ANN or HMM or ..
TCPIP Chat client server
Send SMS TCell Phone Through SMTP Mail
Online Handwritten Script Recognition
Peer To Peer Secure Internet Telephony (SIP)
Cryptographically Using Secure Server/Client Protocol
Intrusion Detection Prevention And Trace back Systems
Neural Network for Recognition of Handwritten and Digits
Mobile Agents In Distributed Multimedia Database Systems
Wireless Traffic Viewer Using Mail Client Server
Monitoring And Managing The Clusters Using JMX
Peer-To-Peer Messaging
Mobile Information Provider
Mobile Bank WAP
VideSteganography Using Mobile Simulation
Network Traffic Anomaly Detector
ERP for Leather Company
Optimal Multicast Routing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Java
Homogenous Network Control and Implementation Java
Performance Evaluation of RMI Java
Network Component for XML Migration Java
A Secure Routing Protocol for mobile Ad-hoc Network Java
Retrieving Files Using Content Based Searching and presenting it in Carousel view Java
An Acknowledgment-Based Approach for the Detection of Routing
Misbehavior in MANETs Java
Java Network File Sharing System Java
Image Transformation using Grid Java
Java Visual Editor with Compiler Java
Embedding In VideSteganography Java
Genetic Algorithm Based Train Simulation Using Concurrent Engineering Java
Image Rendering For Grid Technology Java
Scalable Wireless AD-HOC Network Simulation Using XTC Java
ATM Networks For Online Monitoring System Java
Network Border Patrol Preventing Congestion Collapse Java
Shortest Node Finder In Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks Java
TCP/IP Pocket Controlling Monitor Java
Network Security System In DNS Using Ad-Hoc Networks Java
E-Mail Server Using Multithreaded Sockets Java
Integrating Speech Engine With Web Navigator Java
XML Enable SQL Server Java
Network Analyzer Java
Public Key Validation for DNS security Extension Java
Genetic Algorithms and the Traveling Salesman Problem
Hiding binary data in HTML documents
Hiding Messages in MIDI Songs
Hiding messages in the Noise of a Picture
Windows Management Instrumentation WMI Implementation
Multithreaded Chat Server
Reading and Writing AVI files using steganography
Steganography for Hiding Data in Wave AudiFiles
Neural Networks for Unicode Optical Character Recognition
Using Trigonometry and Pythagoras tWatermark an Image
Steganography for FTP through a Proxy Server
Artificial intelligence network load balancing using Ant Colony Optimization
Neural Networks for Handwriting Detection System Using Brain Net VB
Online Index Recommendations for High-Dimensional Databases Using Query Workloads
Efficient and Secure Content Processing
Controlling IP Spoofing through Inter domain Packet Filters
Rough sets based Search Engine for grid service discovery
Trustworthy Computing under Resource Constraints with the DOWN policy
Credit Card Fraud Detection using Hidden Markov Model
Hba: Distributed Metadata Management for Large cluster-based storage system
Minimizing file download time in Stochastic Peer-to-Peer networks
Statistical Techniques for detecting Traffic anomalies through Packet Header Data
The Effect of Pairs in Program Design Tasks
Rate Allocation and Network Life Time Problems
Distributed cache updating for the Dynamic source routing protocol
An Adaptive Programming Model for Fault-Tolerant Distributed Computing
Face Recognition Using Laplacian faces
Predictive Job Scheduling in a Connection Limited System using Parallel Genetic Algorithm
Digital Image Processing Techniques for the Detection and Removal of Cracks in Digitized Paintings
A Distributed Database Architecture for Global Roaming in Next-Generation Mobile Networks
Noise Reduction by Fuzzy Image Filtering
An Optimized Distributed Association Rule Mining Algorithm
Structure and Texture Filling-In of Missing Image Blocks in Wireless Transmission and Compression Applications
Workflow Mining: Discovering Process Models from Event Logs
An Agent Based Intrusion Detection, Response and Blocking using signature method in Active Networks
A Novel Secure Communication Protocol for Ad Hoc networks
ITP: An Image Transport Protocol for the Internet
Network border patrol: preventing congestion collapse and promoting fairness in the Internet
Location-Aided Routing (LAR) in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Neural Networks for Handwritten character and Digits
Neural Network-Based Face Detection
Homogenous Network Control and Implementation
XML Data Stores: Emerging Practices
XTC: A Practical Topology Control Algorithm for Ad-Hoc Networks
A near-optimal multicast scheme for mobile ad hoc networks using a hybrid genetic algorithm
Design of Intranet Mail System Mirroring
Development of a Distributed Systems Simulator for Event Based Middleware
A Smart phone Application tremotely a PC over the internet
Network Protocol Verification Using Linear Temporal Logic
Virtual Routing Network Emulation Frame Work
A Multihoming Solution for effective load balancing
Implementing a Linux Cluster
Improving the efficiency of Memory Management in Linux by Efficient Page
Intranet Caching Protocol
A DBMS with SQL Interpreter
Developing an Organically Growing Peer tPeer Network
Analysis of Routing Models in Event Base Middlewares
Analysis of Event Models in Event based Middle ware
Integration of Heterogeneous Databases IntXML Format with Translator
Information Management and Representation Using Topic Maps
Face Recognition Using Artificial Neural Networks
VideConferencing with Multicast Support
Collaborative Span Filtering Using Centralized Incrementally Learning Spam Rules
Hierarchical Data Back Up
Automated Generation of Cycle Level Simulators for Embedded Processors.
Fingerprint Image Enhancement
Linux Kernel Enhancement
Cloth Animation & Dynamics.
Linux Kernel (Memory Management)
Image Steganography
Web Enabled Opinion Poll System For NITC
Application Of Bayesian Networks TData Mining
Triple crypt Using Vector Displacement Algorithm
Simple FTP Client
Text Editor for Linux Platform
Exam Server
Online Bulletin Board
Developing GUI for IP Tables Configuration
Academic planner, class routine generator
Online Election Software for Hostel Election
Bandwidth management Tool
Implementation of Scalar Optimizations
Distributed Workgroup File Indexer
Managing Linux Distributions
Network Sniffer
Simulating Routing Algorithms in Java
A Tool For Network Auditing(ping and Port Scanning, TCP/IP Finger printing
An alternative semantics for error and exceptional handling
Online Counseling software
Web application
Instant messenger system
course home page generator
Web application
An Interpretor for lambda calculus with some extensions
course home page generator
Probabilistic Techniques for cache replacement
Implementation of Download wizard for simultaneous downloads
Online Share Trading
Online Counseling
Transfer Program in Java Using Protocols like FTP,SMB,HTTP,SSH
Text to Speech conversion
Hostel elections voting software
Code optimization: Implementation of scalar optimizations
A Web based academic monitoring system
Toutput the timing schedule
Code optimization: Implementation of scalar optimizations
Online Objective test
Performance Evaluation of Routing Algorithm using NS2
IA64 ISA Simulation
Text tSpeech conversion
Auction simulator using agents
Customizing Proxy Web server
Auction simulator using agents
Operating system enhancements tprevent the misuse of system calls.
Type systems and applications tsafety.
Adaptive distributed event model
Improving TCP performance in adhoc networks.
Model checking for protocol verification.
Type systems and it's application tsafe and efficient code.
Exact functional context matching for web services.
A new methodology for representation of TCP performance in TCPSF.
Adaptive event based middleware architecture.
Optimizing pattern matching algorithm in intrusion detection.
Information retrieval from textual corpus.
Direction queries in spatio-temporal databases.
Secure routing.
Academic per-to-peer Network
Secure Mail Server
Distributed System simulator for Publish-Subscribe Model
Data Integration
Web based Linux Administration
Interface for Mobile Phone and PDA using J2ME
Contact Reminder
Direct Information System
Course Home Page Generator
Job portal
Pragmatic general multicast
Log browser
Online matrimonial system
Online health care system
Online bug tracking and customer support system
Online call logging and customer support system
E-Banking transaction system and portal for bank officials and customer
Port scanning and detection system
Development of simple IP subnet calculator tool
Vehicles with Intelligent Systems for Transport Automation
Advanced public bus transportation system for India
Automatic Medicine Announcement System
Intelligent Multi-sensor System for Control of Boilers and Furnaces
Dedicated Short range road side communication for vehicles
Accident prevention system for hairpin bend zone
Sequential switching for industrial application
RFID based car parking system
Intelligent Greenhouse
RFID reader enabled mobile with environment alert and mobile tracking
Active Learning Methods for Image Retrieval
Remote Switching Control System for Home Appliances
Real native and persistent layer for Java & .Net
A Smart System for Remote Monitoring of Patients and SMS Messaging upon Critical Condition
Role Based Access Control
Rich Internet Application Using Flux Frame for Managing Workflow in healthcare domain
Effective Monitoring of Web navigation using Code Check
Customer Support Protocol
Human Age Estimation
An Intelligent Dictionary Based encoding Algorithm for data compressing for High Speed Transformation Over Internet
Motion Detecting System
Virtual University
Flexible Network Monitoring Tool Based on a Data Stream Management System
Remote Service Monitor.
Desk FM Monitor
Verifying Delivery, Authorization and Integrity of Electronic Messages
A Utility-Based Incentive Scheme for P2P File Sharing in MANETs
Java Dynamic Data Viewer
Satellite Image Processing.
Color Image Segmentation
File System Workload Analysis
E-form Application for Employee Management Using Hibernate Vs JDBC
E-Job Card and Timesheet Using Hibernate Vs JDBC
IP Spoofing Detection Approach (ISDA) for Network Intrusion Detection System
CSI-KNN-based Intrusion Detection System
Host Based IDS
Intranet Based Email System
Automatic Java Media Manager
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) in Java
Effective Decision Tree Algorithm
A Hackers Approach tImprove the A.I. Behind CAPTCHA
Advanced Computer Cluster Architecture
Fair and dynamic Bandwidth Distribution Architecture
Network based Gaming Server.(NGS)
Code Database Servers-A Centralized Compiler Architecture
Code Review Tool Using Existing Third Party Implementations
Web Application Server Development Using SMS
Data Recovery In Ext2 files system and Adding secure deletion tyour favorite file System
Design considerations for computer-telephony application programming interfaces and related components
Services in Converged Network (Value-Added Services)
Model Checking of Software Components: Combining Java Pathfinder and Behavior Protocol Model Checker
Effectively Tuning and Optimizing the Database
Directory Retrieval Using Voice Form Filling Online
Incorporating Quality Considerations intProject Time/Cost Tradeoff Analysis and Decision Making.
Enhance the Email Performance Through SMTP- New Approach
Load Balancer in client-server architectures
Without packet Reordering dynamic load balancing
Without Load Balancing in MANET: Single Path Routing Vs. Multi Path Routing
Push Vs Pull: Quantative Comparison for Data Broadcast
Graphical Search Engine
GSM Based LAN Monitoring
Image Restoration
Information Retrieval SMS Server
bar codes and computer systems sales
Thanks for listing them. This list was really helpful while choosing our final year project. Good job GT.